Publications and communications

Papers in peer-reviewed journals


L Roques, F Patout, O Bonnefon, G Martin, Adaptation in general temporally changing environments. SIAM Journal Applied Mathematics, in press. Preprint

F Hamel, F Lavigne, G Martin, L Roques Dynamics of adaptation in an anisotropic phenotype-fitness landscape. Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications, (2020), 54 (2020): 103107. DOI  Preprint

F Lavigne, L Roques Extinction times of an inhomogenous Feller diffusion process: a PDE approach. Expositiones Mathematicae, (2020), in press. DOI

F Lavigne, G Martin, Y Anciaux, J Papaïx, L Roques When sinks become sources: adaptive colonization in asexuals. Evolution, (2019). This paper has also been recommended in PCI Evolutionary Biology (2019), 100072 PCI recommendation

M Osmond, SP Otto, G Martin, Genetic Paths to Evolutionary Rescue and the Distribution of Fitness Effects Along Them. Genetics 214.2 (2020): 493-510. PDF here.


Communications in international workshops and conferences

Conference of the Institut Henri Poincarré (IHP) Paris (France) 11-15 January 2021. Title: Emergence of a simple fitness landscape from integrated phenotypic networks: can we (re)concile long term fitness trajectories and mutant fitness data ? G. Martin

lien vers la presentation (zoom):

Workshop Pattern of pest invasions in Eurasian forests. Beijing (China) 18-20 november 2019. Title : Adaptive colonization: the role of adaptation in biological invasions. L Roques, Y Anciaux, F Lavigne, G Martin & J Papaïx. Download presentation

International Workshop on Biomathematics and Biostatistics. Tamsui (Taïwan) 24-25 october 2019. Title : Genetic adaptation of asexuals: PDEs vs stochastic models and experiments. L Roques, M-E Gil, F Hamel, F Lavigne & G Martin

1st Joint Meeting Brazil-France in Mathematics. Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) 14-19 jully 2019. Title : Modelling the evolution of asexuals: PDE, integro-differential and stochastic approaches.L Roques, M-E Gil, F Hamel, F Lavigne & G Martin. Download presentation

Conference of the European Society for Evolutionary Biology (ESEB). Turku (Finland) 19-24 Augtust 2019. Title: Evolutionary rescue in the face of an arbitrarily moving optimum in asexuals. G Martin, O Bonnefon, L Roques. View presentation here at time 45:32.
